The Laundry Pile: Top 10 Star Wars Moments

Star Wars has transcended generations and has become a defining moment in our lives. With the release of The Force Awakens, a new generation will be become exhilarated with the cultural phenomenon. Whether you have imagined yourself as a Jedi, a Sith Lord or even imitating Yoda phrases, the impact of Star Wars has brought people together for decades. The Star Wars universe has expanded since A New Hope was released in 1977, imprinting countless Star Wars memories in our minds. Here is a top ten list of Star Wars moments:

Honorable Mentions

The Pod Race (The Phantom Menace)

The Phanton Menace introduced the audience to a young Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, played by Jake Lloyd, demonstrated a path towards greatness with his impressive skills and piloting ability. Director George Lucas provides a suspenseful action sequence that featured spectacular special effects associated with a Star Wars movie. Unable to start the pod’s engine at the beginning of the race, Anakin manages to fly by his opponents with great acceleration and focus.

Princess Leia’s bikini (Return of the Jedi)

Seeing Princess Leia in her bikini is an iconic moment. Leia goes from well dressed in earlier movies to a costume that is quite vibrant and revealing. Although Leia looked sexy in a bikini, it can represent her loss of power. The audience rejoices when the bikini-clad Leia regains her power by strangling Jabba the Hut to death with a giant chain.  To this day Leia’s bikini outfit is a popular costume for women during Halloween or at conventions.

The Cantina (A New Hope)

The cantina opened up new possibilities for the Star Wars universe. When Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi enter the cantina, the were surrounded by different types of alien species. This scene suggested that there was a possibility of different worlds with various creatures, as seen in later Star Wars films.  Before CGI was common, George Lucas was capable of making any alien look realistic as possible, which helps as the films progress through the decades. The cantina scene also introduces Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon.

The Battle of Hoth (The Empire Strikes Back)

The opening minutes of The Empire Strikes Back is exciting and sets up arguably the best of the Star Wars films. After a bit of success in A New Hope, the rebels are ambushed by the Imperials. With AT-AT Imperial Walkers approaching the rebels base, the rebels were sent fleeing into the harsh tundra in their racers. Ultimately the Imperials have taken back control and dampened the morale of the rebel force.



10. Luke meets Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

Star Wars is revolved around a mystical power called the Force. The Force is an energy that gives a Jedi his powers. Defeated at the Battle of Hoth, Luke Skywalker ended up in the Dagobah swamps. Unable to elevate his X-Wing fighter from the swamps, Luke questions his abilities. Enter Yoda. Yoda is one of the greatest Jedi masters in the Star Wars universe. Yoda guides Luke to fully understand the Force. In a nutshell Yoda explains that Luke must have faith in the Force instead of relying on his physical abilities. When a character says “May the Force be with you”, Yoda’s teachings help define what the Force really is.


9. Order 66 (Revenge of the Sith)

The bad guys had to start somewhere. In order to build an empire, the Sith had to eliminate the Jedi, which answers the questions to why there are no Jedi in the original trilogy. Emperor Palpatine worked from the inside to implement a mass genocide of the Jedi with the help of Anakin Skywalker. Watching as each Jedi is slaughtered is one of the darkest moments in the Star Wars franchise. The scene completes Anakin’s transition to the dark side. Considered once as a promising young hero, Anakin has been corrupted by Empeor Palpatine to lead the Sith into power.


8. The Destruction of Alderaan (A New Hope)

The Death Star was revered as one of the most indestructible objects. To demonstrate the star ship’s power, Governor Tarkin opts to destroy Alderaan, Princess Leia’s home planet. In a matter of seconds, the planet is obliterated, proving that the Sith are nobody to mess with. The scene identifies that on top of stopping Darth Vader, the Death Star would pose a challenge for the heroes.

7. Darth Maul (The Phantom Menace)

Before there was Darth Vader, there was Darth Maul. Dark Maul was Emperor Palpatine’s apprentice and looked quite terrifying. While Darth Maul appeared on the screen for a limited time, his presence left a long-lasting impression.  Possessing a double-bladed light saber, he fought Qui-Gon Jinn, played by Liam Neeson, and Obi-Wan Kenobi in one of the best choreographed fight scenes in all of the Star Wars movies. The double-bladed light saber made him a great threat to the Jedi. When he killed Qui-Gon Jinn, it was a shocking moment and solidified him as menacing villain.

6. Star Wars Opening Scene (A New Hope)

In the first few minutes of Star Wars, George Lucas does an excellent job presenting the good guys but most importantly how powerful the antagonists were. The Star Destroy was enormous compared to the rebel ship. The audience is introduced to C-3PO, R2-D2 and Princess Leia, but Darth Vader’s entrance gave way to one of the classic villains in cinematic history. His walk, his stature among fallen soldiers and iconic breathing were memorable.

5. Obi-Wan vs. Anakin (Revenge of the Sith)

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker shared a close bond with each other. As a teacher Obi-Wan mentored Anakin as he grew into adolescence, going as far as viewing Anakin as family. When Anakin turns to the dark side, his anger leads to hatred of his former teacher.  In one of the prolific battles in Star Wars, Obi-Wan fends off Anakin’s attacks. The battle is tragic and ends when Obi-Wan has no choice but to sever Anakin’s legs from continuing to fight.  As Anakin is burned alive by the volcano, the audience witnesses the event that led Anakin to become Darth Vader.


4. The Death Star Attack (A New Hope)

With groundbreaking visual effects, the climatic battle in A New Hope was satisfying. Led by Luke Skywalker, a group of rebel pilots positioned themselves to attach the Death Star.  George Lucas does a phenomenal job following each pilot in action. With a few causalities along the attack, Luke uses the Force to annihilate the Death Star. With the Death Star destroyed, it was a true underdog type feeling when the rebels came out on top. The aerial battle at the time would have been viewed as one of cinema’s defining moments.

3. Han Solo dies? (The Empire Strikes Back)

Ask millions of Star Wars fans and the majority of them will say that Han Solo is his or her favorite character. By the end of The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo is captured and tortured. The relationship between Princess Leia and Han Solo is intensified as she professes her love to him and he responds “I know.” The audience is left wondering if Han Solo had survived by the end of the movie. By taking away a key character, The Sith had the upperhand in the battle and it left the audience what Luke and the heroes will do next.

2: The Final Showdown (Return of the Jedi)

Good vs. Evil. One side had to win. Knowing that Darth Vader was his father, there were questions on how Luke would approach the Sith Lord when they faced off again. The final scene is rewarding. Luke out duels Vader yet overcomes Palpatine’s demands. Luke realizing that killing his father would lead him to the dark side, he tosses away his light saber. As Palpatine is punishing Luke for his decision, Vader comes to the aid of his son. Vader was able to redeem himself for his heinous acts by allowing the Jedi to win. Before his passing, Luke and Vader share a special moment. Luke forgives his father and honors his memory as he gives Vader a proper burial.

1: I am Your Father (The Empire Strikes Back)

Vader pushed Luke to his limits in their first encounter. Vader reigns superior over Luke in the initial encounter. However, the moment that left the audience in shock was the reveal that Vader was Luke’s father. Not only does Luke lose a hand, but he appears to not accept the fact that Vader could possibly be his father. The reveal is a great plot twist that nobody anticipated. The battle between good and evil just got more personal.


-Jonathan Hall

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